Month: March 2016

St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church memorial wall

Located at St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church in San Diego, CA.


Memorial Construction is often a multi-use area consisting of a variety of cremation memorial products. Generally columbaria or niches are the feature of the memorial project. Other common products are usually in-ground cremation estates; private ground burial estates as well as above ground private estates and walk in family estate buildings. Memorial construction projects can start with developing a small feature area and expanding in phases over time. Niche walls, Cremation gardens, memorial gardens, and large scale columbaria projects are some of the options available.


Honor Life provides pre-constructed as well on-site constructed columbaria. All of our columbaria projects feature pre-cast or aluminum niches. Perimeter walls can be added to offer privacy as well as additional niches. Columbaria can be round, rectangular, octagonal or designed to order.

Veterans Memorials

Engraved civic and veterans memorials pay lasting homage to individuals who have gone above and beyond in service and society. These include the veterans and fallen officers who have given their lives to defend our daily freedoms. Honor Life Recognition has constructed veteran and civic memorials ranging from simple plaques to unique structures with complex engravings.


Waterjet technology is a cold cutting process which cuts by using supersonic water, or water and abrasive, to erode material. Because of this, waterjets are unlimited in what they can cut. Waterjet cutting is used to cut various materials in shapes and letters creating "puzzle" pieces to create a piece of art, corporate logos, floor medallions and signage.